Episode #164:

Competition, Jealousy, Envy: Why you do it and How to stop

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Episode #164: Competition, Jealousy, Envy: Why you do it and How to stop


About the Episode:

In this episode, we delve into the pervasive feelings of competition, jealousy, and envy, particularly among high achievers. We explore why these feelings arise, how they differ between genders, and the deep-seated impacts they have on our well-being. We'll also provide practical strategies for overcoming these negative emotions and fostering a more peaceful and collaborative mindset.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Competition and Envy
  • Gender Differences in Competition
  • Impact of Scarcity Mindset, Upbringing
  • Practical Strategies for Overcoming Envy

What You'll Learn:

  • The root causes of competition, jealousy, and envy and their impact on our mental health.
  • How societal and historical contexts shape the ways men and women experience and express competition.
  • The role of scarcity and how it influences competitive behavior.
  • Effective methods for transforming negative emotions into positive, supportive interactions.

Listen and discover how to move past the negative emotions of competition and envy to achieve a more fulfilling and peaceful life.


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The Empowered Brain: About the Podcast

This podcast is for all women, those that identify as leaders and those that don't, yet. You'll learn how to let go of guilt and self-doubt so you can show up with confidence everywhere you go. No more questioning if your idea is good enough to share, if it's worth it to speak up, or if you're a good enough leader. All that self-critical B.S. stops now. Listen in as masterful educator and Harvard grad physician, Dr. Vanessa Calderón, teaches you how to let go of the things standing in the way of your success as a leader. Get ready, this podcast will accelerate your personal and professional growth.


Dr. Vanessa Calderón, MD, MPP has over 20 years of leadership experience. She is a Harvard grad, ER physician, Life and Leadership coach, and a mother of 2. She's a first generation Latina and is dedicated to uplifting her community. She's the founder of the Latina Leadership Accelerator, where she uses education and coaching to support the personal and professional development of women at all stages of their lives and careers.


The Journey (to your empowered brain)

This evidence-based coaching program has everything professionals need to be more productive, feel better and get more done, in only 12 weeks.

Learn more and join here: www.vanessacalderonmd.com/thejourney