Episode #157:

Self Compassion and it's Link to Productivity, Achievement, and Business Success

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Episode #157: Self Compassion and it's Link to Productivity, Achievement, and Business Success


About the Episode:

In this enlightening episode, we delve into the profound connection between self-compassion and various aspects of life, including mental health, success, and personal fulfillment. We passionately discuss why self-compassion is essential, especially for those from historically marginalized communities, and debunks common misconceptions about it being a sign of weakness. Through engaging discussions and insights into relevant research, the episode empowers listeners with practical strategies to cultivate self-compassion and achieve their goals with kindness and resilience.

What You'll Learn:

  • The foundational elements of self-compassion and how they contribute to a healthier mindset and reduced self-criticism.
  • The significant role self-compassion plays in mental health, including its effects on stress levels and emotional stability.
  • How self-compassion can drive achievement and productivity by fostering a supportive internal environment that encourages risk-taking and resilience.
  • Actionable strategies to cultivate self-compassion

Tune in to this episode to transform how you approach personal challenges and professional ambitions through the nurturing power of self-compassion.


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The Empowered Brain: About the Podcast

This podcast is for all women, those that identify as leaders and those that don't, yet. You'll learn how to let go of guilt and self-doubt so you can show up with confidence everywhere you go. No more questioning if your idea is good enough to share, if it's worth it to speak up, or if you're a good enough leader. All that self-critical B.S. stops now. Listen in as masterful educator and Harvard grad physician, Dr. Vanessa Calderón, teaches you how to let go of the things standing in the way of your success as a leader. Get ready, this podcast will accelerate your personal and professional growth.


Dr. Vanessa Calderón, MD, MPP has over 20 years of leadership experience. She is a Harvard grad, ER physician, Life and Leadership coach, and a mother of 2. She's a first generation Latina and is dedicated to uplifting her community. She's the founder of the Latina Leadership Accelerator, where she uses education and coaching to support the personal and professional development of women at all stages of their lives and careers.


The Journey (to your empowered brain)

This evidence-based coaching program has everything professionals need to be more productive, feel better and get more done, in only 12 weeks.

Learn more and join here: www.vanessacalderonmd.com/thejourney