Episode #67:

How to NOT Be Uncomfortable Practicing Anti-Racism with Dr. Crystal Agyei

September 8, 2022


Episode #67: How to NOT Be Uncomfortable Practicing Anti-Racism with Dr. Crystal Agyei


Get your free copy of the 5 Step Ultimate Guide to Stop People Pleasing here.

About the Episode:

Regardless of where you are on your racial healing journey, the majority of us will agree that racial oppression exists and it's all of our jobs, as human beings, to do whatever we can to create a more just, equitable, and anti-racist world.

As a brown skin Latina, raised by immigrants, I've experienced outright racism. But, I've also propagated many racial stereotypes. I've been on the receiving end of microaggressions, and I've likely also been on the giving end.

We all have biases. These biases mostly live in the subconscious part of our brain, which makes it really hard for us to see them and really easy for us to act on them.

Most of us didn't actively choose to believe these things, instead, they were things we saw often on TV or were told to us that we then internalized as truths.

I still have many racial biases that I'm actively working through. In fact, Dr. Ibrahm Kendi, the author of "How to be an Anti-Racist" says, that even he, a Black Ph.D. in anti-racist studies, has racial biases, and he has to consciously choose from moment to moment to practice anti-racism.

Examining our own biases can feel uncomfortable but it’s also the key to creating a more equitable world.

On this week's podcast, I bring to you an expert in the field of DEI, Dr. Crystal Agyei, who shares all her wisdom.

We talk about all things equity, inclusion, and anti-racism.

This episode is jam-packed with knowledge.

You’ll learn:

-Why it's important to know your identity and the privileges they give you
-How to not be uncomfortable practicing equity and anti-racism
-How White allies can strengthen their allyship
-How to create a culture of equity
-How to let go of the power plays
-How to start embracing your internal anti-racist work
-How to examine your own implicit bias
-How implicit biases hurt the people we're trying to help

Get your free copy of the 5 Step Ultimate Guide to Stop People Pleasing here.


Coaching for Latina Leaders

About the Podcast

Leadership ability is equally distributed but opportunity to lead is not. This podcast is for all women, those that identify as leaders and those that don't, yet. You'll learn how to let go of guilt and self-doubt so you can show up with confidence everywhere you go. No more questioning if your idea is good enough to share, if it's worth it to speak up, or if you're a good enough leader. All that self-critical B.S. stops now. Listen in as masterful educator and Harvard grad physician, Dr. Vanessa Calderón, teaches you how to let go of the things standing in the way of your success as a leader. Get ready, this podcast will accelerate your personal and professional growth.


Dr. Vanessa Calderón, MD, MPP has over 20 years of leadership experience. She is a Harvard grad, ER physician, Life and Leadership coach, and a mother of 2. She's a first generation Latina and is dedicated to uplifting her community. She's the founder of the Latina Leadership Accelerator, where she uses education and coaching to support the personal and professional development of women at all stages of their lives and careers.


Leadership Accelerator

Is a 12-week Life and Executive Coaching program that will help you execute at a higher level, thrive in all areas of your life, and improve your self-compassion. You'll be able to:

• Improve your productivity by 60%
• 10X your Emotional Intelligence
• Have more time for the people you love
• Cultivate an unwavering sense of self-compassion

The next cohort starts in Fall 2022. Learn more and join the waitlist here.

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